Enjoy the “tardeo” at Kamaleónico

Cócteles del tardeo en Kamaleónico

With a gastronomic proposal that adapts to all hours of the day, Kamaleónico offers a morning and evening menu that transforms like a chameleon in constant change. From a varied menu of the day from Tuesday to Thursday to a separate menu in its vermutería, diners can enjoy two different concepts in the same space.

What distinguishes Kamaleónico is its chameleon-like menu, a journey through the world of flavours that seduces the most curious palates. From international dishes that delight fusion lovers to a selection of sushi that leaves a lasting impression, every option on the menu is an invitation to exploration and surprise.

The afternoon dining experience at Kamaleónico

Fridays at Kamaleónico are synonymous with tardeo -afternoon party-, a tradition that has become a unique experience in Palma. The restaurant’s atmosphere is transformed on Fridays after lunchtime, with a relaxed yet lively atmosphere. Sufficient seating capacity guarantees that each visitor can enjoy his or her afternoon without stress, at his or her own pace, sharing the joy of the arrival of the weekend in the best possible way. 

Kamaleónico is distinguished by its versatility. With two clearly differentiated areas, it offers an atmosphere that adapts to both more intimate gatherings and lively groups. The fusion of styles and the modern decoration create a perfect setting to enjoy the after-dinner conversation or to immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of the evening. Definitely… not to be missed!

High level cocktail bar

From Thursday onwards, cocktails will be the star of Kamaleónico. Expert mixologists prepare creations that take the evening experience to another level. In addition, Wednesdays are reserved for special events that add an extra touch of excitement to the Kamaleónico experience.

More than just one of Palma’s trendiest restaurants, Kamaleónico is a gastronomic destination where you can enjoy yourself in style. We invite you to experience the perfect fusion of late afternoon, international cuisine and high-end cocktails every Friday at Kamaleónico.