Idiazabal cheese: A treasure of Basque gastronomy at La Vasca

queso idiazabal mallorca

Idiazabal cheese is a genuine treasure of Basque gastronomy, reflecting the rich tradition and expertise of the shepherds from the Basque Country and Navarre. This cheese, which has a Protected Designation of Origin (D.O.P.), is made exclusively from raw milk of the Latxa and Carranzana sheep breeds, both native to the region. Its artisanal production process includes a distinctive smoking step in many cases, giving it a unique flavor that makes it unmistakable.

Characteristics of Idiazabal Cheese

Idiazabal is distinguished by its firm texture and deep flavor, which can vary slightly depending on the aging and smoking process. It has a buttery, slightly spicy taste with smoky notes that lend it a unique complexity. This cheese can be enjoyed on its own or as an accompaniment to various dishes.

With a minimum aging period of two months, its rind is hard and its paste is compact. This makes it an ideal cheese for grating or slicing to complement dishes. Its versatility has made it an essential ingredient in Basque cuisine. At La Vasca, we have successfully incorporated it into several of our most cherished dishes.

Presence at La Vasca Palma

In our restaurant, we pay tribute to Idiazabal cheese in several of our specialties. Here are some dishes where you can savor this distinctive cheese:

  • Beef Tenderloin Tagliata: A juicy tenderloin served on a bed of fresh arugula, accompanied by thin slices of Idiazabal cheese that add a touch of intensity and balance.
  • Broken Eggs with Mushrooms and Idiazabal Shavings: Traditional broken eggs gain a new dimension when paired with mushrooms and Idiazabal cheese shavings. Its presence adds a savory note and a delightful contrast of textures.
  • Confit Artichoke Heart: With a hint of truffle oil and topped with Idiazabal cheese, this artichoke heart is a perfect blend of earthy and smoky flavors that will surprise even the most discerning palates.

At La Vasca, we have made Idiazabal cheese one of the stars of our menu, offering dishes that capture the essence of the north. We invite you to enjoy its unique flavor in an environment that celebrates the best of Basque gastronomy. Come and try our specialties and discover why Idiazabal cheese is a culinary gem you won’t want to miss.