La Rambla: A historic promenade in Palma de Mallorca

rambla de palma

Immerse yourself in the history and beauty of La Rambla, one of the most emblematic places in Palma de Mallorca, where past and present intertwine in a setting full of charm and vitality. This important promenade, located in the heart of the city, has witnessed numerous events over the years, becoming a meeting point for residents and visitors alike.

The history of La Rambla dates back to ancient times, when the Riera torrent used to flow through this very spot before being diverted to the current Paseo Mallorca. Since then, La Rambla has been a place of passage and a meeting place for the Mallorcan community, marking the rhythm of daily life in the city.

The promenade begins at the intersection of Calle de los Olmos and Vía Roma, and extends to the stairs that lead up to the Plaza Mayor, near the Principal theatre. Along its route, visitors can enjoy a beautiful central pedestrian walkway, flanked by two lanes for vehicular traffic, and decorated with a variety of kiosks selling plants and flowers.

However, the history of La Rambla is marked by moments of change and transformation. During the Spanish Civil War, the promenade was renamed Via Roma on the initiative of the Italian fascist hierarch Arconovaldo Bonaccorsi, who adorned the place with statues of Roman eagles. This name lasted for more than four decades, until, after the end of Franco’s dictatorship, La Rambla recovered its original name.

In 1998, the promenade was once again renamed Rambla de los Duques de Palma de Mallorca, in honour of Cristina de Borbón y Grecia and her husband Iñaki Urdangarin. However, this name was the subject of controversy and, in 2013, Palma City Council decided to restore the original name of La Rambla, eliminating the references to the dukes.

Kamaleónico, in the heart of Palma’s Rambla

Today, La Rambla is still a vibrant and lively place where you can enjoy a relaxed stroll while admiring the beauty of its historic surroundings. The restaurants and cafés lining the promenade offer a delightful variety of dining options, making La Rambla a perfect destination to enjoy a meal or a drink in the open air. Among them, the Kamaleónico Palma restaurant stands out, a restaurant that will make you travel the world through its dishes. All in the best possible atmosphere.

If you’re in Palma de Mallorca, don’t miss the opportunity to explore the charms of La Rambla and immerse yourself in its fascinating history. Come to Kamaleónico Palma and discover why this picturesque promenade is one of the most beloved places in the city!