Restaurants with Josper oven in Mallorca: El Vasco and El Marino

horno josper restaurantes mallorca

Among the culinary innovations that have gained prominence on the island, restaurants with Josper ovens in Mallorca stand out for offering a unique cooking experience. Two culinary jewels of La Vasca Group, El Vasco and El Marino, have taken this tradition to new heights, turning every meal into a feast of smoky and juicy flavours thanks to this ally: the Josper oven.

Known for combining the qualities of a grill and an oven in a single appliance, it has become an exceptional tool in the modern kitchen. Its ability to reach high temperatures and retain the juiciness of food has conquered the palate of food lovers. In Mallorca, El Vasco and El Marino have embraced this technique. Both offer the possibility of tasting fabulous products in their respective Josper ovens in Mallorca.

El Vasco: grilled meats with a Basque touch

At the foot of the Tramuntana, next to the Alfabia gardens, El Vasco is a benchmark for lovers of grilled meats. With its Josper oven, the restaurant manages to bring out the authentic flavours of the meats, giving them that unmistakable smoky aroma that whets the appetite. From the Basque txuletón, a true delight for meat lovers, to the succulent entrecote of old beef, each dish is a tribute to Basque culinary tradition.

El Marino: seafood and meats with a Mediterranean flair

Located in the picturesque area of Portitxol, El Marino masterfully fuses the flavours of the sea and the land. It is one of the restaurants with a Josper oven in Mallorca. This makes it the ideal place to highlight the freshness of the seafood and the quality of the meats. Whether it is the entrecote of old beef or the tasty txuleta of txogitxu beef, at El Marino each dish is prepared with precision to make the most of the seaside feast on offer.

At Grupo La Vasca, the choice to incorporate Josper ovens is a declaration of commitment to quality and authenticity in every dish. Both El Vasco and El Marino, by integrating this technique into their cuisine, have elevated the gastronomic experience for diners. Therefore, these two restaurants with Josper ovens in Mallorca are unmissable destinations for those seeking the unparalleled flavour of these grills on the island.